Database of Questions
Asalamu aliakum sisters,
New to Dear Little Auntie? Here is a list with some of the questions we've tackled. Hope you find what you're looking for <3 font="">3>
A. I am thinking of wearing niqab....
B. I wore niqab, took it off, and now want to wear it again...
C. My family think I am an extremist because I wear niqab and gloves.
A. Should I de-activate my account?
B. My x-friend put up pictures of me on facebook without hijab! What to do?
C. My cousin's got a pretty revealing picture of herself on facebook. We're not close, though. How should I address this issue? (Please also read if you put pictures of yourself on facebook)
School and University
I started going to public high school and I hate it.
With all the school work and stress, my imaan keeps falling down.
I'm tired of being the odd one out in school.
I'm failing university! (UPDATED)
Exams like completely freak me out. So stressed.
I'm thinking of changing my university major...
I didn't get into the university I really wanted to enter. I did everything I could :(
I'm scared of public, please!
I want to quit cheating!
I'm entering university older than my colleagues. I'm worried about that.
New to Dear Little Auntie? Here is a list with some of the questions we've tackled. Hope you find what you're looking for <3 font="">3>
- A nonMuslim asks: Who is a Muslim? And what's it like to be a Muslim?
- How do we know that God is really there?
- How do we know that Islam is the right religion? (Very briefly touched upon- so much more to say)
- Sometimes, I wonder if Christianity is more right?
- How can we get ourselves to love God more?
- Can God and Cancer coexist?
- How can you be American and a Muslim?! (+ Download Dawah presentation to pass around)
- Are we supposed to kill all Kaafirs/ disbelievers? What is jihad?
- Are women equal to men in Islam or not?!
- I feel like Shariah is "barbaric". What's with cutting the hands of the thief and stoning?
- My atheist friend is a better person than Muslims. Why should she go to hell?!
- I've done so many sins....everything. Is it too late for me?
- Lately, life has been so hard for me. Is it all a punishment? Why does Allah hate me?
- Is everything in Islam haram? Is there anything fun we can do?!
- These rules are soooo 1,4000 years ago! Do we actually still have to follow them? (Go to first part of post)
- Why do I have to love the Prophet more than myself?
- I just don't connect to the Prophet. I'm sorry, but I don't.
- Do we have to listen to hadiths? Do we have to obey the Prophet in everything?! (Go to part 2 of the post :D)
- Why did the Prophet marry so many wives?
- The Prophet's marriage to Aisha
- Can you discuss polygamy?
- Islam and Homosexuality
- Do we have to count ourselves as Shafi/Hanabli/ Maliki? Who are the Salaf?
- I'm terrified of the end of the world. I don't want to die so soon.
- What do women get in paradise? It seems like it's all for men?
- Why do we slaughter animals for Eid?!
- My friend's thinking of converting to Islam, but she says she'll do it later.
- My grandmother has passed away. What can I do for her now?
- I made dua really badly for something and I didn't get it :(
- I feel like the scholars have taken over Islam. Why are we afraid to question?
- I find myself thinking "There's no way my dua can come true".
- I sometimes wonder why Allah created me to live in such a difficult time. Why couldn't I live in the time of the Companions and the Prophet?
- I need help believing in jannah. It almost seems impossible.
- I feel that when we focus on minor issues like 'handshakes', we create barriers to dawah. (Second part of the post)
- I worry that if I were to commit to Islam, I would no longer have any fun. Would we have to be religious 24/7?
- Is there an easy way to see Prophet Mohammed in our dreams?
- I don't feel like I'm tested enough. Does Allah not love me?
- What if you only had one day to live and you'd lived a not so Islamic life?
- Who will go to Paradise?
- I actually don't know how to pray. Help, please.
- Because of school, I miss dhuhr prayer EVERY DAY. What should I do?
- I need help praying again- especially fajr (but also general tips)
- I can't concentrate when I'm praying.
- I get these...prayer 'dips- not praying all 5 prayers
- I've read all the above, but man...I still don't feel like praying.
- I need some motivation. I'm ashamed of myself. I keep 'failing' Allah's standards and delaying my prayers.
- I'm confused with Taraweeh and Tahajjud. How do we pray them?
- General Reminder :why do we fast and what is taqwa
- What can we do we when it's that time of the month and it's Ramadan?
- I'm not 'feeling this Ramadan'...
- Who are the people that we have to wear hijab in front of? (Go to the first part of the post)
- I'm scared that if I wear hijab, I'll soon take it off.
- I'm scared that if I wear hijab, I won't get a job/ get married/ and people's looks
- I want to wear hijab but when I'm a better Muslimah. I'm not good enough now. (Last part of the post)
- I started wearing hijab, but find it a little difficult to wear in front of my cousin, who I love like a brother.
- The simple reason I don't want to wear hijab is because of my vanity.
- I haven't worn hijab, yet, because my parents are concerned about my safety.
- I wear hijab but only because I am forced to
- I'm a non-hijabi and I think purity is on the inside not on the outside
- My teacher thinks that we wear hijab because it's 'cultural'
- Now that I wear hijab, I feel ugly
- What's the aunties' opinion on abayah? (First part of the post)
- I want to wear abayah, but I'm worried about people's reactions...
- I wear abaya and my mother doesn't. We look 'weird' together...
- If I wear hijab, I will 'stand out' and not 'blend in'. Doesn't that defeat the purpose? (Go to the lasssst part of the post)
- I'm just a little jealous of non-hijabis and I also feel so "un-confident" now.
- My family thinks I wear jilbab because I'm a little chubby.
- My friends say I look beautiful when I wear sparkly and tight clothes....
A. I am thinking of wearing niqab....
B. I wore niqab, took it off, and now want to wear it again...
C. My family think I am an extremist because I wear niqab and gloves.
- I need some help with lowering my gaze.
- I have this amazing religious friend who happens to be a guy. We only chat and stuff...
- I'm in a relationship with a guy but we seriously intend to get married later.
- Is there anytime that we can kiss a guy?
- What's the big deal with pre-marital sex?
- There's this guy who keeps staring at me...and I think I might have started liking him back, too.
- My 'ex-best friend' is going out with the guy I used to like
- I have this crush on this non-Muslim guy. How do I get over him?
- I'm depressed and abused and I'm falling for a non-Muslim guy. He's the only one who understands me.
- I'm in love with a non-Muslim man. Is loving someone with all your heart wrong?
- A year ago, this guy had promised to marry me. Now he says his parents won't let him.
- I fell in love with a guy and Allah took him away from me. Why did He let him in my life if wasn't meant to be?
- I'm trying to break up with a guy...but he says that he'll kill himself if I do!
- I'm really close to falling into zina with this guy. I'm watching movies and reading erotic things to keep myself from doing the deed, itself...
- Do Muslims have to get married?
- How do I find a good guy to marry?
- What should I be looking for in a man?
- What do I do when I am interested in someone/ the suitor is coming over! [2nd part of the post]
- Can I initiate a proposal? Or would he judge me for taking the first step? What if he's not even interested :S
- My sister is being forced to marry. (Please read this, if you are being pressured to marry/ know someone who is being forced to marry)
- My parents want me to date. (If you want to date to meet your future spouse, also read this!)
- I've gotten a proposal but I prayed istikharah and there is like 'no sign'....
- I don't want to marry a stranger/ someone I don't know. I'm a hopeless romantic.
- I'm interested in this brother but mostly only because he's like mega cute :P
- There's this suitor who came but I'm not thinking of marriage, yet. (I'm too young...)
- There's someone I want to marry but my father hasn't addressed the proposal with me. I don't want to seem 'shameless' but I really want to marry this guy. UPDATED :)
- I wanted to marry this guy, but he got engaged. I'm a little/seriously heartbroken.
- I wanted to marry this brother, but my parents were pretty unreasonable...they drove his family away.
- I've gotten a proposal from a brother living all the way in America.
- I've gotten a proposal from a brother who doesn't have a college degree..
- I was supposed to marry this brother but now his mother is standing in the way.
- What constitutes an Islamic wedding? (First part of the post).
- I'm getting married. Help! What should I know now before moving in?
- A few marriage problems.
- (Keep in mind sister, we're not experts! If you've got a marriage problem, it'd be better to ask Sister Megan Wyatt:
- I'm newly married and I love my husband. But he doesn't really spend that much time with me.
- I'm sick of women checking out my husband when we go out. It's seriously affecting our marriage.
- My husband has done a lot of mistakes and my love for him has 'died'.
- There's this person on Twitter that I really think is the one for me. What should I do?
- I feel like I'm never ever going to get married and like my whole life revolves around waiting for marriage.
- I've been married for a few years and wanting to have a child but have not gotten pregnant. Could it be a punishment because I left my islamic studies?
- I had a bad past and am now wondering if that means I am destined to marry someone not good. I heard that the Quran says: Impure women are for impure men, and impure men for impure women.
- My mother and I don't get along very well. She accuses me of things I didn't do. I don't respect her.
- I'm 19 and I still don't get along with Mum. We're opposites and also highly similar!
- My parents are just "too much". Sometimes I have no idea what they're angry about.
- My parents are so super strict. Like I can't do 'anything'!
- I made some mistakes and now my parents have taken my laptop, ipod and everything from me :(
- My parents are always comparing me to my super perfect big sister.
- My brother and sister are so far away from Islam. They do so much haram and have humiliated my whole family. I've stopped talking to them.
- My teenage brother isn't interested in religion.
- My itty bitty brother isn't interested in religion (8 years old)
- My parents don't pray.
- Growing up, my father was the religious one. But he was very 'mean'. I don't want to be like him.
- My mother hates me. I never help her around in the house (cook and clean).
- There are some things my parents do that are cultural and not Islamic. We get into arguments about this..
- My mother in law lives with us...
- My family is so broken. It breaks my heart. My sister's thinking of running away, too!
- My parents love my brother more. They're always favoring him over me.
- My sisters teach their children about Islam in terms of "Allah will hate you if you do this" "You'll go to hell". How can I help my nieces and nephews?
- I feel so guilty. I did some things that my parents don't know about and I just can't face them anymore.
- My sister and I are constantly arguing. We don't get along well and she's getting married soon.
- My parents invested so much in my education that I don't know how to tell them that my boyfriend and I have agreed that when we get married, I will be a housewife.
A. Should I de-activate my account?
B. My x-friend put up pictures of me on facebook without hijab! What to do?
C. My cousin's got a pretty revealing picture of herself on facebook. We're not close, though. How should I address this issue? (Please also read if you put pictures of yourself on facebook)
School and University
I started going to public high school and I hate it.
With all the school work and stress, my imaan keeps falling down.
I'm tired of being the odd one out in school.
I'm failing university! (UPDATED)
Exams like completely freak me out. So stressed.
I'm thinking of changing my university major...
I didn't get into the university I really wanted to enter. I did everything I could :(
I'm scared of public, please!
I want to quit cheating!
I'm entering university older than my colleagues. I'm worried about that.
- I'm so unhappy. I just can't find happiness anywhere.
- I want to change my life. Everything is messed up.
- What's the big deal with eyebrows?
- What's the problem with handshakes with guys?
- What if I go to prom but I don't dance with any guys or do anything wrong?
- I'm addicted to Grey's Anatomy. Am I doing anything wrong?
- I'm a girl and I might be attracted to another girl.
- I think I have a small 'arrogance' problem.
- I gave up something very special to me for the sake of Allah. Do you get back these kinds of sacrifices?
- I would love to do some dawah work and spread our beautiful religion.
- I need help organizing my time.
- I've started realizing that my friends aren't exactly the best friends to hang around with.
- My dream is to be a singer when I grow up.
- I have a small problem with saying things about people that they may not like.
- I have a problem with watching/ looking at bad things.
- My friend is contemplating suicide!!
- I need help with time management.
- I've been diagnosed with PCOS and I need some hope.
- I sometimes cut myself.
- I'm always being called ugly, fat and stupid.
- I get impatient with others a bit fast. I need help in dealing with my anger.
- I've got a small problem of judging others...
- My best friend is getting married and I feel like I'm being left behind. (Updated)
- I'm suffering from waswas
- Now that I am practicing Islam, I don't feel 'special' anymore.
- I feel really 'different' from my I don't belong.
- I'm a little addicted to the Internet (Islamic sites).
- I've become too obsessed with 'competition' and 'success'.
- I have this dream of marrying Prophet Isa or Imam Mahdi.
- I find myself crying a lot over silly things and being "ungrateful".
- I haven't gotten a job yet :(
- I find it hard to distinguish between pride and just self-esteem.
- I get a little too hormonal during my periods...and I feel quite distant from my faith during that time.
- I'm shy and I find it really difficult to say "no" to people.
- Sometimes, I feel jealous of my friends who have really expensive things.
- My friends say that I'm too sensitive.
- Tips on Quran memorization.
- I like pretty things, designer purses, and shopping. Is that so bad? When is materialism too much?
- Little Auntie's Reflections on being a terrible goal keeper.
- The Best Advice (Short and Sweet)
- TheSisterWhoSmiles's Gift to YOU.
- 99th post: Why do we have hardships?
- Heheh- HOW Embarrassing!
- Dear Readers- You've got Mail (One Year Anniversary)
- The Race is On (Qur'an Competition)
- Interview with my 14 year old sister (Revert Muslimah)
- One Chinese Muslimah Interviewed :)
- Sisters share- YOUR BEST HIJAB Moment!
- When You Ask For My Hand in Marriage
- The Perfect Wedding Dress? Little Auntie's Reflections before her wedding